The world first flying car, Terrafugia (mean fleet from earth), test drove by Phil Mateer on 5 March 2009. This car (or plane) was developed by MIT-trained aeronautical engineers and MBA's – who also happen to be passionate private pilots.
Obviously this car wasn't mean to fly in city area, it was for rural area where not much people and houses around. You must own a driver license and pilot license to drive this car, and I wasn't even sure if something bad happen, is it consider as car accident or plane crash?
Obviously this car wasn't mean to fly in city area, it was for rural area where not much people and houses around. You must own a driver license and pilot license to drive this car, and I wasn't even sure if something bad happen, is it consider as car accident or plane crash?
reference: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/29775195/ , http://www.terrafugia.com/index.html
April 2, 2009 at 3:10 AM
omg. the flying car?
i won't drive or be the passenger for sure!
even airplane scare me to death! LOL
April 23, 2009 at 2:03 PM
hehe ... dun worry, not much ppl in this world qualify to fly it ... :P
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